G.C. Duke Equipment warranty procedures are designed to minimize your down time, and to keep things as simple as possible. There are three possible scenarios for warranty:
You have a unit under warranty and would like a service technician to come and do the repair.
​No problem! Contact our warranty department at 1-800-883-0761 ext 128, or email Rodney Perdue at warranty@gcduke.com.
If you are a servicing dealer, or are performing the repair yourself and require the parts to perform the work:
1. Call the Warranty department (+1-800-883-0761 ext.128) and let them know you need to order a part pending warranty. (Please have your part numbers required and the serial number of the unit available.)
2. A "Pending warranty" order will be placed for your parts, and shipped out that day (if stock is available) or placed on order.
3. Once you receive the part, you have 30 days to submit a warranty claim to G.C. Duke. If you do not submit a claim within 30 days, the parts will be charged to you. This is non negotiable.
You can file your claim by filling out this form and sending it back to us.
4. Your claim will be submitted to the manufacturer and a decision rendered as to whether or not the repair will be covered by warranty. If your claim is denied by factory, you will be invoiced for the parts sent to you.
If you are a servicing dealer or customer performing the repair, and do not require the purchase of parts but rather are using parts you had in inventory, or if it is a labour only claim: please fill out a warranty claim form here and your claim will be submitted to factory.
To submit a claim, there are mandatory requirements. Any claims submitted without this information will be denied.
1. Make/ Model of equipment
2. Serial Number
3. Date of Purchase
4. Hours
5. Parts required/used for repair
6. Description of failure and repair
Please note, G.C. Duke Equipment does not adjudicate warranty. All decisions are made by the manufacturer.
Please keep all defective parts until your claim has been approved. If the manufacturer requests the parts to be returned, and you do not have them, the claim will be denied.
Warranty Department
1184 Plains Rd E, Burlington, ON L7S 1W6, Canada
or give our Warranty Department a call at
+1-800-883-0761 ext.128 and speak to Rodney Perdue, our Warranty Administrator. Or, email